Materings is committed to protecting your privacy.

Effective date: XX XX XXXX

1. Who we are

Materings is a hobby-based networking analysis service designed to create and join events with other people having common interests in your area.

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, your data controller (the private person responsible for the purpose and content of your data file) is: Materings Sàrl, 7 chemin des Rasses, 1255 Veyrier, Switzerland.

2. About this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all uses of Materings’ Application. Its purpose is to inform you about what Personal data about you is collected when you use our Application, what is done with that Personal data, and what are your rights with regard to your Personal data.

By using our Services, namely by creating a User Account, you are accepting, without any reserves, to be legally bound by both Materings’ Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

3. Your consent

By Personal Data, we mean all information relating to an identified or identifiable person in the sense of Article 3 let. a of the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP; RS 235.1).

By using the Materings Application, you accept that Materings collect, store, use, revise, disclose and/or perform any other operation on your Personal Data according to this Privacy Policy.

4. Data we collect

a) Data you provide

1) The Materings Application

We collect, process and store your Personal Data when you create a User Account, modify your User Account, chat with other Users and when you use the Application.

To create a User Account, you must provide us with:
  • your Name;
  • your Surname;
  • your date of birth;
  • your interests and hobbies;
  • your E-mail address;
  • a Username;
  • A password.

If you wish to, you may subsequently choose to publicly hide your Name and Surname with an alias.

To complete your profile and get the most out of the Application, you can share with us more details on your personality in a small “bio” and add a profile picture. If you modify your profile, we will collect information on the new additions.

You may choose to share Personal Data that is deemed “sensitive” in accordance with Article 3 let. c FADP, such as information on your religion, sexual orientation or your health status. By sharing such information, you explicitly consent that Materings collect, process and store it accordingly.

2) Notices and communications

Kindly note that Materings will send you important communications and other security notices through in-app notifications, and that Materings does not make use of a newsletter.

b) Data collected in relation with usage of our Services

When you join events in your area, we collect that information.

When you use Materings’ Application, we may collect the geolocation of your device.

5. Data we don’t collect

We do not use cookies.

We do not collect your IP address nor information about your device.

Materings does not have access to your device’s camera, camera roll, phone log or your contacts.

6. How we use your data

We utilize your Personal Data to deliver and improve our Services.

Your Personal Data will be utilized by Materings in order to provide you all the functions of the Application, to suggest you events created by other Users and let you interact with them, and to communicate with you. Materings may use your Personal Data to improve the Application and its proprietary algorithm.

We do not collect information about your usage of the Application, such as date and time of connection, which functions you utilized or the searches you have made.

7. How we share your data

In order to verify your E-mail address, Materings utilizes Google Firebase.

Your profile and profile photo is visible to other Users. Other users will know when you create an event.

Materings may share your information with governmental bodies, law enforcement authorities or private parties in order to comply with a legal obligation, e.g. to conform with a civil or judicial order or to remedy an illegal situation.

8. Cross-border data transfers

Your personal data will be stored exclusively in Switzerland or in countries that provide an adequate level of protection.

Data related to the above-mentioned use of Google Firebase could be transferred to countries that do not offer an adequate level of protection in accordance with the Firebase Privacy Policy and you will therefore be asked to consent to such transfer while opening your Materings account.

9. Your rights

You have the right to request, at any time, information from Materings as to whether Personal Data about you is being processed, and demand a copy of all your Personal Data being processed by Materings. If you notice any inconsistency, you have the right to demand that your Personal Data be rectified without delay.

In the cases where your consent is the basis for the processing of your Personal Data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and for any reason. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing of your Personal Data prior to the withdrawal.

You may delete your account at any time. In that case, your account will be deactivated and Materings will conserve your Personal Data for 30 days, should you wish to reactivate your account by logging in. After 30 days, your Personal Data will be permanently destroyed.

If you’d like to exercise any of these rights, please contact Materings through E-mail at: XXXXX or by post at Materings’ address (cf. Article 1).

10. How we protect your data

Materings ensures that your personal data is properly protected by utilizing industry standard secure access and authentication protocols and an architecture that allows us to periodically monitor access to the Application.

However, by agreeing to this Privacy Policy you recognize that utilization of the internet comes with inherent risks to your Personal Data. We are committed to doing our best efforts to protect your data but there is no guarantee that it may not be stolen or accessed by unauthorized third parties by any breach of our safeguards.

It is your responsibility to ensure that any device you use to connect to Materings’ application is properly secured.

12. Lawful bases for processing

Materings will only process your Personal Data when we have a lawful basis to do so, such as your consent, necessity for the performance of a contract (e.g., delivering the Materings Services to you), and our legitimate interests in the measure that they override your own rights and interests.

13. Changes to this privacy policy

Materings reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. In that case, you will be notified through your E-mail address and through the Materings Application. You will be asked to take note of the changes and consent again. If you do not consent to the changes, you have the possibility to delete your User Account.

14. Contact us

If you have any question or complaint regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact Materings at: XX@XX or by post at Materings Sàrl, 7 chemin des Rasses, 1255 Veyrier, Switzerland.